
Uses for Computers in Business

Uses for Computers in Business

Uses for Computers in Business

Almost every business uses computers to complete daily tasks. From making contact with clients to inputting data for reports, computers allow businesses a more efficient way to manage affairs when compared to traditional paper and manila folders. Businesses use a variety of different types of computers such as desktops, laptops, servers, smartphones and tablets, depending on their needs. With computers, employees are able to work anytime, anywhere.


Communication is key when gaining and maintaining clients and other important contacts. Computers give businesses access to email, instant messaging and custom customer contact systems.


Computers allow businesses to create websites, stunning ads and complete marketing campaigns. Marketing videos can be edited and custom ads created in-house with the use of specialized software.


Accounting without computers presents a high risk for human error. Accounting software allows businesses to simply input their financial data and instantly see gains and losses.


Instead of filing cabinets, businesses are able to store millions of files using computers and servers. Data can be stored centrally for easy access from multiple computers or stored locally for individual use.

Use of Computers in Banks

Computers are used in banks for a variety of reasons. They help bank personnel operate more efficiently and effectively. Computers are used to track certain transactions and they help process other customer information as well. Without computers, it would be very hard for a bank to offer good customer service day in and day out. Computers help a bank save time and money, and can be used as an aid to generate profits.

Customer Information

Banks use computers to track customer information such as name, address, phone number, date of birth, Social Security number and place of employment. This information is used to stay in touch with customers and notify them of any changes in bank policy.


The number of products and services a customer has is also stored in computers. Bank personnel will periodically call customers at home to offer them a product or service, such as a home equity line of credit.

Reports and Profits

With a computer, banks can analyze aging reports and track the customers who have had checks returned due to nonsufficient funds. This report can be used by the sales associates to call these customers and offer them a product called overdraft protection, which prevents a customer from overdrafting their account.

Transactions and Goals

Computers help tellers keep a record of all transactions for the day. When customers make deposits and withdrawals, cash checks, open checking accounts or apply for mortgage loans, a computer will store and track all of the information once a teller or bank employee keys it into the system.

Uses of Computers in Schools

Computers are an integral part of schools now instead of being supplemental features. They can be used in a variety of ways to augment knowledge and application.

This is the most common use for students in grades 4 through 12. When students have to write research papers on a specific topic, the computer provides the most easily accessible sources.

Data Entry

Basic keyboarding and word processing skills are taught on the computer. Knowledge of these is essential for school, college and career.


Computers are also being used to help learning disabled students. There are many interactive and tutorial programs online or available as software that help the challenged student with reading, math or other areas of weakness.


The use of computers has changed the face of distance education. Students can now be logged in at the same time, post assignments, and talk to each other on message boards while working on their college degrees.

Teacher Resource

The Internet provides a wealth of resources for teachers like lesson plans, pre-made tests, study guides, worksheets, and other activities that only have to be downloaded and printed. There are also grade book programs and class record-keeping templates that are time-savers.

Uses Of Computers in Railway Stations

                 Railway is such a bigger network in the whole world that its too dificult to maintain it before the introduction of PC in railway's, Computer along with networking or internet made it so easy to keep track of the inforamtion such as the number of trian, the respective train name, number of seats in first, second and general class, the number of seats avilable on a particular date, what is the present status of a ticket using its PNR number, to book ticets form anywhere with the help of e- ticket and i-ticket introduced by the railways rahter than to stand in a Q, the computer made the life easy for the Railways to keep the information abt the traveler and loads on a fashionable and easy manner. Rahter than to stand in a Q, the computer made the life easy for the Railways to keep the information abt the traveler and loads on a fashionable and easy manner....The reason for computer is it take lotto book tickets and printer tickets and make online reservations...Railway is such a bigger network in the whole world that its too dificult to maintain it before the introduction of PC in railway

Uses of Computers in an Airline Industry

In the airline industry, many different systems interact in order to ensure that planes stay on schedule and that they fly safely. Nearly all of these systems rely on computers to some degree. Computers are involved in everything from the passenger's initial travel arrangements to the functioning of an airport and the airplanes that fly into it.

Passenger Services

When you book a flight, regardless of the method, your reservation information is processed and stored by the airline's computer system. If you book this online, your registration information is directly stored with the company.

Airport Services

Many aspects of an airport rely heavily on computers. Security screening machines such as X-rays may not make use of personal computers, but they do rely on computer technology for a great deal of their operations.

Air Traffic

Computers are crucial to an airport's air traffic control services. While the communication between air traffic controllers and pilots occurs through radio, the system by which this communication is synthesized with radar and weather data is based on computers.

Plane Mechanics

·         An airplane depends on computers for a number of essential flight functions. The autopilot, which many modern airplanes are equipped with, frequently employs a computer. This relieves the pilots of many in-flight tasks, allowing the plane to process navigational data and flight control systems. Computerized "fly-by-wire" technology, which many airplanes have, transmits pilot or autopilot signals to a computer.

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